Chic Town Garden, East Molesey

This south facing back garden of a refurbished 60s house was designed to complement the contemporary, modern interior of the house. Strong geometric lines extend from inside out, bright materials with strong contrast continue the black and white colour scheme outside. 

White rendered raised beds with architectural planting – Tree fern, Bamboo, multi stem Birch – sit against a dark painted horizontal slatted fence. A stunning mature Japanese Acer, underplanted with lush grasses is the only remnant of the previous garden. 

White gravel areas contrast with linear black basalt paver interplanted with strips of Thyme directing the view towards the garden. The feature wall between the fence panels is clad with porcelain which echos the corten steel colour of the other features in the garden. Corten steel has been used as a contrasting material for the water feature, furniture and a step detail, adding another natural warm hue.

The water feature is surrounded by naturalistic wildlife planting adding another dimension to the overall sharp and crisp lines of this garden. 


Installation and Planting: March – June 2020